ASP.NET MVC Performance Profiling

Building up a profile of how a web application functions, all the database interactions that take place and where the server-side time is spent during a request can be a challenging task when you are new to an existing codebase. If you’re trying to address the generic/non-specific “we need to improve performance / it’s slow” issue, you need to get a good picture of what is going on and where to prioritise effort.

There are a number of ways to identify specific problems depending on the technologies. For example, if your application is backed by SQL Server, you can query a set of DMVs to identify the top n worst performing queries and then focus your effort on tuning those. Identifying a badly performing query and tuning it can obviously yield huge benefits in terms of the end user’s experience. But this doesn’t necessarily flag up all the problems. If you are looking at a particular page/view within the application, then you could start a SQL Profiler trace to monitor what’s going on during the lifecycle of the request - this is another common and valuable tool to use. Personally, I usually have SQL Profiler open most of the time during development. If you’re developing against a shared dev database with others, you can filter out other people’s events from the trace - injecting your machine name into the connection string as the ApplicationName, and then filtering on this is one of a number of ways to achieve this which works nicely.

MiniProfiler For The Win

Recently, I’ve started using another extremely valuable tool within an ASP.NET MVC solution - MiniProfiler which is (quote):

A simple but effective mini-profiler for ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET

It was developed by the team over at StackOverflow. Simply put, it can render performance statistics on the page you are viewing that detail where the time was spent server-side, fulfilling that request. But the key thing for me, is it provides an ADO.NET profiler. Say you’re using LINQ-to-SQL - by wrapping the SqlConnection in a ProfiledDbConnection before then passing it to the constructor of a DataContext, info on the SQL queries executed within the lifetime of a request are then also included in the statistics displayed. (It can also profile calls via raw ADO.NET / Entity Framework etc, minimal effort required).

Make the invisible, visible

Since integrating this into an MVC application, the benefits have been priceless. The key thing for me is: VISIBILITY. It provides extremely value visibility of what is happening under the covers. Going back to the start of this post, if you’re new to a codebase, then having this information provided to you as you browse is invaluable. It enables you to identify problems at a glance, and increases visibility of problems to other developers so the “life expectancy” of those problems is lower - they’re a lot less likely to hover undetected just under the radar if the information is being pushed right in front of the developer on screen. It also helps you build up a picture of how things hang together.

MiniProfiler includes functionality to flag up N+1 and duplicate queries, a common potential problem you could encounter with ORMs if you’re not careful. If a view were performing 100 low hitting queries, these may not show themselves as queries to be tuned. But the fact that 100 database roundtrips are being made, could scream out that perhaps they could be replaced with a single roundtrip and a performance improvement gained there.

I’m now a big fan of MiniProfiler, especially due to it’s simplicity to integrate into a codebase. Working on ASP.NET MVC/ASP.NET applications? You might want to give it a try!

See also