OS Data Importer Supports Scale Gazetteer Dataset

I’ve just pushed some updates to GitHub for the Ordnance Survey Data Importer .NET app I’ve been working on every now and then (see my previous posts: GB Post Code Geographic Data Load to SQL Server using .NET and OS CodePoint Data Geography Load Update).

Aside from a little re-jigging to potentially pave the way to load more Ordnance Survey data files to SQL Server in the future, it now supports importing the 1:50000 Scale Gazetteer data file to SQL Server (available to download from here). To quote the Ordnance Survey site:

The 1:50 000 Scale Gazetteer is a reference tool or location finder, similiar to the index in a road atlas. It can be used as a simple list to find out relevant coordinates and six-figure grid references for a town or area.

At the time of this post this data file contains 259,113 locations taken from the OS Landranger Map series.

Example Use

To load the 1:50000 scale gazetteer data file that has been downloaded and extracted to C:\OSGazetteerData\50kgaz2010.txt, into dbo.Gazetteer table in MyDatabase on server SQLServerA, and load county codes into table: County and feature codes into table: Feature, run the following from the command prompt:

OSCodePointDataImport.exe GAZETTEER SQLServerA MyDatabase dbo Gazetteer County Feature "C:\OSGazetteerData\50kgaz2010.txt"  

The Gazetteer database table will consist of the following columns:

PlaceName VARCHAR(60)  
CountyCode CHAR(2) FK to County.Code  
FeatureCode VARCHAR(3) FK to Feature.Code  
Longitude FLOAT  
Latitude FLOAT  
GeoLocation GEOGRAPHY  

The County lookup table will consist of the following columns:

Name VARCHAR(60)  

The Feature lookup table will consist of the following columns:

Description VARCHAR(50)  

The source is on GitHub here: https://github.com/AdaTheDev/Ordnance-Survey-Code-Point-Data-Importer

See also